"Pray With Me Salt of the Earth"

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Pray against Human Trafficking, Child Slavery and Slavery in Other Forms

Thank you for praying faithfully with us. Believe me, the Lord does answer earnest, continued prayer with great power! Please continue praying about the other issues on this blog. The idea is earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer as per James 5:16 (Amp).

This time we pray against people trafficking, child slavery and slavery in other forms.

See the prayer topics below.

Pray with the SOUND CLIP below the prayer points.

In preparation for this prayer offensive you can start by studying this teaching below called What does it mean to be Salt of the Earth?, which introduces a new angle to being The Salt of the Earth. We are going to look for the Lord’s solution to certain issues on earth, and then pray it through via the audio clip below. You can agree with our prayer and then continue on your own. We will only add a new clip every few days to give you time to pray continually on the same subject, to give us time to listen for the Lord’s guidance on how to pray for the next subject, and to give more people opportunity to join in.

Whilst you pray with us, allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to pray for specific people that come to mind in your sphere of influence. We’ll do the same, and as people join us all over the world and do the same; this heap of salt will cleanse, preserve, and purify and make a huge difference on the earth from within each of our communities. “The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working],” (James 5:16). And those of hundreds of righteous men and women generate even more power!

Pray against Human Trafficking, Child Slavery and Slavery in Other Forms

Today we are coming before the Lord for those victims of people trafficking, child abuse and slavery in whatever form. Slavery is as old as the human race; ever since Satan has stolen Adam’s authority over the earth when he conquered him in the challenge to be more obedient to him (Satan) than to God, Adam’s lover and provider. According to John 10:10 Satan has come to kill, steal and destroy. Jesus has come so we can have abundant life. Was that not what He gave Adam at creation? But Adam, in a moment of selfishness, chose to be more obedient to the thief than to his Source.

William Wilberforce, John Newton and other abolitionists are rather famous for helping putting an end to slavery in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, but as we follow the news today it is obvious that slavery has never ended. It only has changed face. Isaiah reprimanded Israel and all of Abraham’s children in his book’s chapter 58 as follows. I linked the whole chapter, but only quoted verse six here: “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?” If we live according to this direction that the Lord gave His nation in the whole chapter, we will have the rewards that He mentioned.

Some of us all over the world is in a position to physically help people involved in all kinds of slavery, but the best others can do is to be faithful in prayer. I have specifically used the word ‘involved’ just now, since it is not only the victims that need the Lord, but also those who enslave – the slave masters. Apart from those that abduct people from public areas and homes in order to take them far away into all kinds of slavery, we get men and women who enslave children who they know (even in some households) into sexual slavery by involving them in sex deeds and nudism at an early age of life. To them these sexual malpractices become the norm of life, just as one of the communist leaders once said: ‘Give me children under the age of six and I will make communists of them’. Children under the age of six are very susceptible and these children think that what they are taught is the correct way of life – the norm. The end thereof is that such children are taken captive into slavery by these sins and they are not even aware that it is wrong. Where are the harvesters of these poor victims? If you are brave enough to enter the dark holes of the Internet, you will be shocked at what Satan has managed because the church is a sleeping force.

We also get men enslaving their wives or partners into all kinds of ungodly behaviour as well as individuals their friends. This involves physical and spiritual slavery.

Let us pray:

1.      Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus and bring before you the works of Satan in this world.

2.      We thank you for what you have done in respect of slavery through your servants William Wilberforce, John Newton and others.

3.      However we bring before you modern day slavery that is termed human trafficking, sexual slavery, prostitution and so on.

4.      We submit ourselves to you and surrender all we are. We confess our sins and ask that you forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness as per 1 John 1:9.

5.      Now that we are pure in your presence, we resist the works of Satan in all areas of slavery and according to your Word as per James 4:7.

6.      We surrender Satan’s power, with regard to the minds and actions of slave masters of all kinds, to the feet of Jesus unto whom was given the highest name (Philippians 2:9-11) and sovereign power (Daniel 7:14). We trust you Lord that you would give your angels command concerning the evil forces involved in the minds of these evil men and women; to go at war against them and overcome them with the sovereign power of Jesus Christ, the name above all names. We declare all influence of satanic and demonic power in the hearts and minds of these people null and void.

7.      We ask Holy Spirit that you would enter the minds of these slave masters of all kinds all over the world, and convict them of their sin and the wickedness of their actions. Many of them do not realise what they are doing as Jesus has prayed on the cross at Calvary (Luke 23:34). We ask Holy Spirit that you would guide their thoughts like water in a watercourse (Proverbs 21:1), and would not stop until they surrender to your will.

8.      We bring before you the damaged and hurting souls that were victims of any form of slavery – whether control, domination, sexual slavery of any form, people trafficking, financial abuse and control – or whatever else, and ask Holy Comforter that you would cuddle them and bring them peace. We ask that you draw them closer to you, and send obedient believers their way to introduce them to the Prince of Peace. We ask for them to be healed and recovered from their pain and hurt and to be placed in a harbour of love and care.

9.      We ask that you deliver the children and adults, who were enslaved at a young age with thought patterns. These they do currently not even consider being wrong and inappropriate, since that was what they were taught at a susceptible age. Some of them do see that certain of their behaviours are not accepted in the community and that confuse them. Please send faithful and obedient believers their way to guide them in the right direction.

10.  Then we bring to you any other form of slavery not mentioned above, and ask that you deliver, comfort and support the victims as well as the slave masters.

11.  This we ask in the powerful name of Jesus Christ that is exalted above all names and we thank you in anticipation for the results. We believe that we have received what we have asked for (Mark 11:24).

Pray with the SOUND CLIP above.

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